e ngineering
a brighter future
22 September 2021
Good news!
The upgrade to the online mechanical engineering units, which are part of ATNZ apprenticeships, is complete and the new and improved versions are live on Canvas.
Apprentices can now log in to the online learning portal to check out the refreshed look and feel, and new features, including:
» Easier to use
» Better marking system
» Smaller chunks of learning and assessment
» Instant feedback for some wrong answers.
Canvas blackout
The short Canvas blackout period, to get the new content up and running, has now ended. Online learning for apprentices now resumes as normal.
We want to thank everyone for their patience while these updates took place.
Leading up to the blackout period, there was an unprecedented number of submissions and unit completions, and we were thrilled to see so many learners getting stuck into their studies.
Got questions?
Contact your ATNZ Account Manager: as always they are there to help.