25 March 2020

Keeping you informed and safe: COVID-19 update – 25 March 2020

A message from Susanne Martin, ATNZ General Manager 

Kia ora

As you will be aware the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation has moved very quickly with the Government’s announcement that we are now entering alert four.

Supporting our team to support you

ATNZ is committed to continuing to help our host companies and learners through this period of uncertainty.

We’ve been communicating regularly with our host companies and apprentices regarding the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation and our response. Please check your emails regularly for updates and check your spam box if you think you may have missed any.

Our people have been set up to work from home and can be contacted by phone or email in the usual way. We are also happy to run virtual meetings with you and can set this up prior with instructions on how to connect.

At this time, all ATNZ offices are closed. Our post and courier services are also suspended for the closedown period to minimise the risk to our people. If you have paperwork for us, we encourage you to send this electronically.

Block Courses, study groups and night classes

In line with the advice from the Ministry of Health, all block courses, study groups, public courses and night courses are cancelled for at least the next 60 days. We will work with all impacted learners and employers to reschedule these as quickly as possible.

We understand these are uncertain and challenging times. We continue to reassess the situation daily and we will update you of any changes as quickly as possible.

Stay safe and well.

Ngā mihi

Susanne Martin

General Manager, ATNZ