

Whether you host an ATNZ apprentice or ask us to manage the development of your team, there are many reasons why partnering with ATNZ is the best way to develop your workforce for the future.

Workplace training and support

Our apprentice training and workplace support include at least ten visits yearly from a dedicated Account Manager. These visits support companies, provide pastoral care, coaching and mentoring to apprentices and other learners, and improve workplace relationships, work productivity and completion rates.

Completion and employment outcomes

ATNZ deliver a higher success rate than non-ATNZ engineering and manufacturing apprentices. Apprenticeships are the most surefire way to provide a pipeline for your future skilled workforce.

Cost inclusions

Regardless of whether you host an ATNZ apprentice or employ your own, ATNZ apprenticeships include the following:

  • Enrolment in ATNZ as an NZQA Registered PTE. 
  • Enrolment in NZQA-approved programme of industry training.
  • Access to our e-learning portal.
  • 10 Visits per year from an Account Manager to provide academic and pastoral support, monitor progress and undertake assessment.
  • Reporting of unit and qualification achievement to NZQA, including payment of related fees
  • Provision of Study Groups and online tutorial support.
  • Provision of Textbooks.
  • Arranging Block Courses with a training provider.
  • Provision of access to counselling/well-being support services.



Level 4 Mechanical Engineering
Fabrication Engineering Course
Refrigeration Engineer Apprenticeship
refrigeration and
air conditioning
Mechanical Building Services

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In a nutshell

Under this arrangement, ATNZ will provide a full suite of expert support services from recruitment through to completion at a price which reflects standard employee oncosts. Our fee is only charged on ordinary hours and covers all training fees and costs

The apprentice is employed and managed by ATNZ, allowing hosts to focus on developing their businesses.

Why choose this option?

ATNZ has access to a large pool of quality candidates from which we draw and find the right apprentice for the right company. However, the right fit, preparation and support are vital to attracting the right people and reducing attrition.

ATNZ employ the apprentice, which de-risks the employment relationship for the host company. As a result, we give host employers the advantage of fit-for-purpose staffing without the concern of long-term contracts. Management of the Apprentice remains the responsibility of ATNZ, yet after the training, the host company are free to employ the apprentice directly.

ATNZ creates genuine efficiencies for our host companies in recruitment, payroll and health and safety management. For example, a hosting company only pays for the hours an apprentice works in or on their business.


The host company fees are spread throughout the year, avoiding large training cost payments at the start of the year. These fees cover the following:

  • Enrolment in ATNZ as an NZQA Registered Private Training Establishment) PTE. 
  • Enrolment in NZQA-approved programme of industry training.
  • Recruitment costs that would otherwise fall to the employer:
  • Advertising and recruitment for new apprentices.
  • Recruitment drives and promotion of engineering and apprenticeships in schools and communities.
  • Managing Pre-employment process including aptitude, MoJ, medical and drug testing.
  • Employment-related costs that would otherwise fall to the employer:
    • Management of leave and payroll.
    • Statutory leave entitlements.
    • ACC premiums and managing ACC claims/levies/return to work.
    • Wages whenever the apprentice cannot work, including jury service, block course attendance, the first week of accident-related injury, lockdowns or any other time that apprentice is unable to work.
    • Covering wage costs in case of notice periods or paid suspensions from disciplinary issues.
    • Provision and maintenance of PPE.
    • Provision of Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).
    • Provision of a tool allowance.
    • Provision and management of interest-free tool loans and repayments.
  • Assistance with workplace Health and Safety:
    • Provision of H&S inductions and monthly Toolbox briefings.
    • Site visits and checks to ensure that the Host Company is aware of and fulfilling PCBU responsibility in the workplace.
    • Providing H&S support to Host Companies, including incident/accident investigation.
  • Other value-added benefits:
    • Carrying excess experience rating risk/cost for apprentices (with a higher injury rate than other employees).
    • Managing employment-related investigations, suspensions and disciplinary events.
    • A host company can cease company placement on four weeks’ notice.
    • Provision of free cash flow between worked week and payment of ATNZ wage invoice.

See what Kaleb James, Managing Director of host company Stafford Engineering Limited, says.


Level 4 Mechanical Engineering
Fabrication Engineering Course
Refrigeration Engineer Apprenticeship
refrigeration and
air conditioning
Mechanical Building Services

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In a nutshell

Where engineering and manufacturing companies prefer to maintain their employment relationships with apprentices, the mentoring and support provided in an ATNZ-managed apprenticeship still add significant value for the employing company and the apprentice. 

Why choose this option?

Where companies are structured to manage employment relationships with their staff well, it may be preferable for them to employ them directly. However, even in this situation, an ATNZ-managed apprenticeship can still give you the best outcome for your business.

While you maintain the employment relationship, we manage the apprentice’s development and training. In addition, your apprentice will receive an unparalleled ten visits from a dedicated Account Manager in your workplace each year.

Many engineering companies report that these high levels of support result in superior outcomes regarding apprentice completion rates, productivity and workplace harmony.



Level 4 Mechanical Engineering
Fabrication Engineering Course
Refrigeration Engineer Apprenticeship
refrigeration and
air conditioning
Mechanical Building Services

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